We accept guest posts
Attention: We are not accepting any more guest posts. If you are only interested to get dofollow backlinks or paid posts/buying links, you are not at right place. Thank you.
Our Guest Posting Guidelines
(Points marked as * are mandatory)
All submissions should focus on topics such as blogging, SEO, digital marketing, Internet Marketing, Social media, WordPress, How-to guides, small business, Tech-tips, webmaster tips, content writing, digital advertising, productivity tips, office productivity software, and open-source web applications.We do not allow self-promotion or direct promotion of any company. The content should be beneficial and relevant to users. Any posts containing self-promotion may be deleted by our moderators without prior notice, and our decision is final.Contributors are expected to be experts in their respective fields and possess a strong understanding of the subject matter they are writing about.All content must be original, grammatically accurate, informative, thoroughly researched, and uniquely crafted.Articles should not have been published elsewhere previously or subsequently. Plagiarized content will not be accepted.Centraals holds the copyright to all submitted articles. The word count should be a minimum of 1000 words, excluding the author bio.The author bio should consist of a brief description of 50-75 words (2-3 lines). No external links are permitted within the content; citations are only allowed within the body of the text and can be included in the author bio.Keyword-based anchor text is not permitted.All external links will be nofollow unless they are from high authority sites.Please allow 2-3 days for your article to undergo review and approval before publication. Our moderators will assess your article for quality and relevance.Links should not lead to spammy or low-quality websites. We conduct manual checks on all links, and reserve the right to reject guest posts with links that are deemed spammy, illegal, or of poor quality.We adhere to Google’s whitehat policy and retain the discretion to accept, reject, modify, or remove guest posts as needed.- We do not engage in the sale of links.
- We accept exchange of posts.
Post exchange
We particularly like content in any of the following topics:
- marketing
- advertising
- media
- statistics
- algorithms
- marketing technologies
- ai
- ecommerce & affiliate marketing
How to submit your guest post
We publish posts in exchange for our posts only. If you are interested in writing for us, send your post strictly adhering the guidelines mentioned above to the email on our contact page with a subject line “Guest Post” .